Friday, August 7, 2009

Final Days at Yale

The architect made sure that there is a "Y" engraved in every pane window in the residence halls. Very meticulous and detailed work!

Go Yale law!

Inside the Sterling Memorial Library- it looks more like a church

It is hard to believe that our time here at Yale is quickly coming to an end. It has been truly a great experience for me, as a counselor and the students' chaperone, to watch them from afar and see how much they have learned and grown in the past two weeks. As I have stated before, it has been a pleasure to be here with them at Yale and to watch them soak it all in. They have truly taken this program as their own and have put their heart and souls into their work and also in branching out and meeting new people. They have been quite self-sufficient which I think is part of this whole experience in preparing them to go off to college in only a year's time.
Additionally, I feel quite fortunate to have had the chance to visit a number of prestigious institutions in my stay here. Starting the very first weekend we arrived, we were able to see Connecticut College and Wesleyan. I was also able to visit Amherst College and Brown University and have the opportunity to sit down and speak with the admissions officers at these highly selective schools. From a counselor's standpoint, this has been instrumental in truly getting a feel for what it is these institutions are looking for in prospective students and also learning what I can do to relay this important information to interested and qualified students/parents. I feel much more knowledgeable as a professional and moving forward, feel better prepared and well-equipped to assist my students in the college application process.
I hope you have enjoyed our blogs and the information we have given you. Thank you for all your support in this process and despite the wonderful time we have had here in New Haven, we are looking forward to coming back to CA and getting ready for the upcoming school year. I know that Matt, Jessica, Yohanna and Stephanie will have a fantastic senior year and have many stories to tell!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah,

    How could we NOT enjoy all of your blogs. Lots of fine photos with just the right number of words mixed in to tease the readers.

    As someone who has read all 509 blogs written to date, I can honestly say that yours have been true joy to read.

    What an adventure you all must have had.
